package dose

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val progressbar_init : Common.Util.Progress.t
val progressbar_univcheck : Common.Util.Progress.t
val info : ('a, unit, string, unit) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
val notice : ('a, unit, string, unit) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
val warning : ('a, unit, string, unit) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
val debug : ('a, unit, string, unit) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
val fatal : ('a, unit, string, 'b) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
module R : sig ... end
module S : sig ... end
class intprojection : int -> object ... end
class identity : object ... end
val init_map : Common.Util.IntHashtbl.key list -> 'a -> intprojection
type solver = {
  1. constraints : S.state;
  2. map : intprojection;
type dep_t = (Cudf_types.vpkg list * S.var list) list * (Cudf_types.vpkg * S.var list) list
and pool_t = dep_t array
and pool =
  1. | SolverPool of pool_t
  2. | CudfPool of pool_t
type result =
  1. | Success of unit -> int list
  2. | Failure of unit -> Diagnostic_int.reason list
val strip_solver_pool : pool -> pool_t
val strip_cudf_pool : pool -> pool_t
val init_pool_univ : global_constraints:bool -> Cudf.universe -> pool
val init_solver_pool : < inttovar : int -> int ; vartoint : S.var -> S.var.. > -> pool -> 'a list -> pool
val newpred : S.state -> S.var -> S.var list -> unit
val rempred : S.state -> S.var -> S.var list -> unit
val changepred : S.state -> S.var -> S.var list -> S.var list -> unit
type domain =
  1. | New
  2. | Removed
  3. | Solution
  4. | Changed
and criteria =
  1. | Count of domain
  2. | NotUpToDate of domain
  3. | UnsatRecommends of domain
val init_criteria : ?closure:int list -> criteria array -> Cudf.universe -> (criteria * (int list * int list) list * int * int) list
val init_solver_criteria : < vartoint : 'a -> S.var.. > -> S.state -> (criteria * ('a list * 'a list) list * 'b * int) list -> unit
val init_solver_cache : ?buffer:bool -> ?pbopool:('a * 'b * int * int) list -> pool -> S.state
val solve : ?tested:bool array -> solver -> Diagnostic_int.request -> Diagnostic_int.result
val solve_pbo : ?callback:((int array * Diagnostic_int.result) -> unit) -> solver -> Diagnostic_int.request -> Diagnostic_int.result
val pkgcheck : bool -> ((Diagnostic_int.result * Diagnostic_int.request) -> 'a) option -> solver -> bool array -> int -> bool
val init_solver_univ : ?global_constraints:bool -> ?buffer:bool -> Cudf.universe -> solver
val init_solver_closure : ?buffer:bool -> ?pbopool: (criteria * (Common.Util.IntHashtbl.key list * Common.Util.IntHashtbl.key list) list * int * int) list -> pool -> Common.Util.IntHashtbl.key list -> solver
val copy_solver : solver -> solver
val reverse_dependencies : Cudf.universe -> int list array
val dependency_closure_cache : ?maxdepth:int -> ?conjunctive:bool -> pool -> int list -> S.var list
val dependency_closure : ?maxdepth:int -> ?conjunctive:bool -> Cudf.universe -> Cudf.package list -> Cudf.package list
val reverse_dependency_closure : ?maxdepth:int -> int list array -> int list -> int list