package eio_linux

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t

A child process.

module Fork_action : sig ... end

Setup actions to perform in the child process.

val spawn : sw:Eio.Std.Switch.t -> Fork_action.t list -> t

spawn ~sw actions forks a child process, which executes actions. The last action should be Fork_action.execve.

You will typically want to do Promise.await (exit_status child) after this.

  • parameter sw

    The child will be sent Sys.sigkill if sw finishes.

val signal : t -> int -> unit

signal t x sends signal x to t.

This is similar to doing Unix.kill x, except that it ensures no signal is sent after t has been reaped.

val pid : t -> int
val exit_status : t -> Unix.process_status Eio.Std.Promise.t

exit_status t is a promise for the process's exit status.