package eliom

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
include Xml_sigs.T with module W = Js_of_ocaml_tyxml.Tyxml_js.Wrap and type elt = Xml.elt and type aname = Xml.aname and type attrib = Xml.attrib and type uri = Xml.uri and type 'a W.t = 'a React.signal and type 'a W.tlist = 'a ReactiveData.RList.t and type ('a, 'b) W.ft = 'a -> 'b
module W : module type of struct include Js_of_ocaml_tyxml.Tyxml_js.Wrap end with type 'a t = 'a React.signal with type 'a tlist = 'a ReactiveData.RList.t with type ('a, 'b) ft = 'a -> 'b
type 'a wrap = 'a W.t
type 'a list_wrap = 'a W.tlist
type uri = Xml.uri
val string_of_uri : (uri, string) W.ft
val uri_of_string : (string, uri) W.ft
type aname = Xml.aname
type event_handler
type mouse_event_handler
type keyboard_event_handler
type touch_event_handler
type attrib = Xml.attrib
val event_handler_attrib : aname -> event_handler -> attrib
val mouse_event_handler_attrib : aname -> mouse_event_handler -> attrib
val keyboard_event_handler_attrib : aname -> keyboard_event_handler -> attrib
val touch_event_handler_attrib : aname -> touch_event_handler -> attrib
type elt = Xml.elt
type ename = string
val empty : unit -> elt
val comment : string -> elt
val pcdata : string wrap -> elt
val encodedpcdata : string wrap -> elt
val entity : string -> elt
val leaf : ?a:attrib list -> ename -> elt
val cdata : string -> elt
val cdata_script : string -> elt
val cdata_style : string -> elt
val float_attrib : aname -> float React.S.t -> attrib
val int_attrib : aname -> int React.S.t -> attrib
val string_attrib : aname -> string React.S.t -> attrib
val space_sep_attrib : aname -> string list React.S.t -> attrib
val comma_sep_attrib : aname -> string list React.S.t -> attrib
val uri_attrib : aname -> uri React.S.t -> attrib
val uris_attrib : aname -> uri list React.S.t -> attrib
val node : ?a:attrib list -> string -> elt list_wrap -> elt