package flow_parser

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t = {
  1. lex_source : File_key.t option;
  2. lex_lb : Sedlexing.lexbuf;
  3. lex_bol : bol;
  4. lex_in_comment_syntax : bool;
  5. lex_enable_comment_syntax : bool;
  6. lex_state : lex_state;
and bol = {
  1. line : int;
  2. offset : int;
and lex_state = {
  1. lex_errors_acc : (Loc.t * Parse_error.t) list;
val empty_lex_state : lex_state
val new_lex_env : File_key.t option -> Sedlexing.lexbuf -> enable_types_in_comments:bool -> t
val clone : t -> t
val get_and_clear_state : t -> t * lex_state
val lexbuf : t -> Sedlexing.lexbuf
val source : t -> File_key.t option
val state : t -> lex_state
val line : t -> int
val bol_offset : t -> int
val is_in_comment_syntax : t -> bool
val is_comment_syntax_enabled : t -> bool
val in_comment_syntax : bool -> t -> t
val debug_string_of_lexbuf : 'a -> string
val debug_string_of_lex_env : t -> string