package frama-c

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

The C Lexer.

val init : filename:string -> Lexing.lexbuf
val finish : unit -> unit
val initial : Lexing.lexbuf -> Cparser.token

This is the main lexing function

val push_context : unit -> unit

Start a context

val add_type : string -> unit

Add a new string as a type name

val add_identifier : string -> unit

Add a new string as a variable name

val pop_context : unit -> unit

Remove all names added in this context

val annot_char : char ref

The character to recognize logic formulae in comments

val currentLoc : unit -> Cabs.cabsloc
val is_c_keyword : string -> bool

true if the given string is a C keyword.

  • since Nitrogen-20111001