package frama-c

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module QED : Qed.Logic.Term with module ADT = ADT and module Field = Field and module Fun = Fun

Types and Variables

type var = QED.var
type tau = QED.tau
type pool = QED.pool
module Tau = QED.Tau
module Var = QED.Var
module Vars : Qed.Idxset.S with type elt = var
module Vmap : Qed.Idxmap.S with type key = var
val pool : ?copy:pool -> unit -> pool
val fresh : pool -> ?basename:string -> tau -> var
val alpha : pool -> var -> var
val add_var : pool -> var -> unit
val add_vars : pool -> Vars.t -> unit
val tau_of_var : var -> tau


type term = QED.term
type record = (field * term) list
val hash : term -> int

Constant time

val equal : term -> term -> bool

Same as ==

val compare : term -> term -> int
module Tset : Qed.Idxset.S with type elt = term
module Tmap : Qed.Idxmap.S with type key = term
type unop = term -> term
type binop = term -> term -> term
val e_zero : term
val e_one : term
val e_minus_one : term
val e_minus_one_real : term
val e_one_real : term
val e_zero_real : term
val constant : term -> term
val e_fact : int -> term -> term
val e_int64 : int64 -> term
val e_bigint : Frama_c_kernel.Integer.t -> term
val e_float : float -> term
val e_setfield : term -> field -> term -> term
val e_range : term -> term -> term

e_range a b = b+1-a

val is_zero : term -> bool
val e_true : term
val e_false : term
val e_bool : bool -> term
val e_literal : bool -> term -> term
val e_int : int -> term
val e_zint : Z.t -> term
val e_real : Q.t -> term
val e_var : var -> term
val e_opp : term -> term
val e_times : Z.t -> term -> term
val e_sum : term list -> term
val e_prod : term list -> term
val e_add : term -> term -> term
val e_sub : term -> term -> term
val e_mul : term -> term -> term
val e_div : term -> term -> term
val e_mod : term -> term -> term
val e_eq : term -> term -> term
val e_neq : term -> term -> term
val e_leq : term -> term -> term
val e_lt : term -> term -> term
val e_imply : term list -> term -> term
val e_equiv : term -> term -> term
val e_and : term list -> term
val e_or : term list -> term
val e_not : term -> term
val e_if : term -> term -> term -> term
val e_const : tau -> term -> term
val e_get : term -> term -> term
val e_set : term -> term -> term -> term
val e_getfield : term -> Field.t -> term
val e_record : record -> term
val e_fun : ?result:tau -> Fun.t -> term list -> term
val e_bind : Qed.Logic.binder -> var -> term -> term
val e_open : pool:pool -> ?forall:bool -> ?exists:bool -> ?lambda:bool -> term -> (Qed.Logic.binder * var) list * term

Open all the specified binders (flags default to `true`, so all consecutive top most binders are opened by default). The pool must contain all free variables of the term.

val e_close : (Qed.Logic.binder * var) list -> term -> term

Closes all specified binders


type pred
type cmp = term -> term -> pred
type operator = pred -> pred -> pred
module Pmap : Qed.Idxmap.S with type key = pred
module Pset : Qed.Idxset.S with type elt = pred
val p_true : pred
val p_false : pred
val p_equal : term -> term -> pred
val p_equals : (term * term) list -> pred list
val p_neq : term -> term -> pred
val p_leq : term -> term -> pred
val p_lt : term -> term -> pred
val p_positive : term -> pred
val is_ptrue : pred -> Qed.Logic.maybe
val is_pfalse : pred -> Qed.Logic.maybe
val is_equal : term -> term -> Qed.Logic.maybe
val eqp : pred -> pred -> bool
val comparep : pred -> pred -> int
val p_bool : term -> pred
val e_prop : pred -> term
val p_bools : term list -> pred list
val e_props : pred list -> term list
val e_lift : (term -> term) -> pred -> pred
val p_lift : (pred -> pred) -> term -> term
val p_not : pred -> pred
val p_and : pred -> pred -> pred
val p_or : pred -> pred -> pred
val p_imply : pred -> pred -> pred
val p_equiv : pred -> pred -> pred
val p_hyps : pred list -> pred -> pred
val p_if : pred -> pred -> pred -> pred
val p_conj : pred list -> pred
val p_disj : pred list -> pred
val p_any : ('a -> pred) -> 'a list -> pred
val p_all : ('a -> pred) -> 'a list -> pred
val p_call : lfun -> term list -> pred
val p_forall : var list -> pred -> pred
val p_exists : var list -> pred -> pred
val p_bind : Qed.Logic.binder -> var -> pred -> pred
type sigma
module Subst : sig ... end
val e_subst : sigma -> term -> term
val p_subst : sigma -> pred -> pred
val p_subst_var : var -> term -> pred -> pred
val e_vars : term -> var list


val p_vars : pred -> var list


val p_close : pred -> pred

Quantify over (sorted) free variables

val pp_tau : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> tau -> unit
val pp_var : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> var -> unit
val pp_vars : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Vars.t -> unit
val pp_term : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> term -> unit
val pp_pred : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> pred -> unit
val debugp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> pred -> unit
type env
val context_pp : env Context.value

Context used by pp_term, pp_pred, pp_var, ppvars for printing the term. Allows to keep the same disambiguation.

type marks = QED.marks
val env : Vars.t -> env
val marker : env -> marks
val mark_e : marks -> term -> unit
val mark_p : marks -> pred -> unit

Returns a list of terms to be shared among all shared or marked subterms. The order of terms is consistent with definition order: head terms might be used in tail ones.

val defs : marks -> term list
val define : (env -> string -> term -> unit) -> env -> marks -> env
val pp_eterm : env -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> term -> unit
val pp_epred : env -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> pred -> unit
val p_expr : pred -> pred QED.expression
val e_expr : pred -> term QED.expression


val lc_closed : term -> bool
val lc_iter : (term -> unit) -> term -> unit


val decide : term -> bool

Return true if and only the term is e_true. Constant time.

val basename : term -> string
val is_true : term -> Qed.Logic.maybe

Constant time.

val is_false : term -> Qed.Logic.maybe

Constant time.

val is_prop : term -> bool

Boolean or Property

val is_int : term -> bool

Integer sort

val is_real : term -> bool

Real sort

val is_arith : term -> bool

Integer or Real sort

val is_closed : term -> bool

No bound variables

val is_simple : term -> bool

Constants, variables, functions of arity 0

val is_atomic : term -> bool

Constants and variables

val is_primitive : term -> bool

Constants only

val is_neutral : Fun.t -> term -> bool
val is_absorbant : Fun.t -> term -> bool
val record_with : record -> (term * record) option
val are_equal : term -> term -> Qed.Logic.maybe

Computes equality

val eval_eq : term -> term -> bool

Same as are_equal is Yes

val eval_neq : term -> term -> bool

Same as are_equal is No

val eval_lt : term -> term -> bool

Same as e_lt is e_true

val eval_leq : term -> term -> bool

Same as e_leq is e_true

val repr : term -> QED.repr

Constant time

val sort : term -> Qed.Logic.sort

Constant time

val vars : term -> Vars.t

Constant time

val varsp : pred -> Vars.t

Constant time

val occurs : var -> term -> bool
val occursp : var -> pred -> bool
val intersect : term -> term -> bool
val intersectp : pred -> pred -> bool
val is_subterm : term -> term -> bool
val typeof : ?field:(Field.t -> tau) -> ?record:(Field.t -> tau) -> ?call:(Fun.t -> tau option list -> tau) -> term -> tau

Try to extract a type of term. Parameterized by optional extractors for field and functions. Extractors may raise Not_found ; however, they are only used when the provided kinds for fields and functions are not precise enough.

  • parameter field

    type of a field value

  • parameter record

    type of the record containing a field

  • parameter call

    type of the values returned by the function

  • raises Not_found

    if no type is found.


The functions below register simplifiers for function f. The computation code may raise Not_found, in which case the symbol is not interpreted.

If f is an operator with algebraic rules (see type operator), the children are normalized before builtin call.

Highest priority is 0. Recursive calls must be performed on strictly smaller terms.

val set_builtin : lfun -> (term list -> term) -> unit
val set_builtin_get : lfun -> (term list -> tau option -> term -> term) -> unit
val set_builtin_1 : lfun -> unop -> unit
val set_builtin_2 : lfun -> binop -> unit
val set_builtin_2' : lfun -> (term -> term -> tau option -> term) -> unit
val set_builtin_eq : lfun -> binop -> unit
val set_builtin_leq : lfun -> binop -> unit
val set_builtin_eqp : lfun -> cmp -> unit
val release : unit -> unit

Empty local caches


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