package gapi-ocaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Headers : sig ... end
type t = {
  1. averages : string list;

    The averages of the report. This is the same length as any other row in the report; cells corresponding to dimension columns are empty.

  2. endDate : string;

    The requested end date in yyyy-mm-dd format.

  3. headers : Headers.t list;

    The header information of the columns requested in the report. This is a list of headers; one for each dimension in the request, followed by one for each metric in the request.

  4. kind : string;

    Kind this is, in this case adsense#report.

  5. rows : string list list;

    The output rows of the report. Each row is a list of cells; one for each dimension in the request, followed by one for each metric in the request. The dimension cells contain strings, and the metric cells contain numbers.

  6. startDate : string;

    The requested start date in yyyy-mm-dd format.

  7. totalMatchedRows : int64;

    The total number of rows matched by the report request. Fewer rows may be returned in the response due to being limited by the row count requested or the report row limit.

  8. totals : string list;

    The totals of the report. This is the same length as any other row in the report; cells corresponding to dimension columns are empty.

  9. warnings : string list;

    Any warnings associated with generation of the report.

val averages : (t, string list) GapiLens.t
val endDate : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val headers : (t, Headers.t list) GapiLens.t
val kind : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val rows : (t, string list list) GapiLens.t
val startDate : (t, string) GapiLens.t
val totalMatchedRows : (t, int64) GapiLens.t
val totals : (t, string list) GapiLens.t
val warnings : (t, string list) GapiLens.t
val empty : t
val render : t -> GapiJson.json_data_model list
val parse : t -> GapiJson.json_data_model -> t
val to_data_model : t -> GapiJson.json_data_model
val of_data_model : GapiJson.json_data_model -> t

Innovation. Community. Security.