package geoml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

This module provides basic functions for any concave, convex and convex regular polygon (Does not handle complex polygon and polygon with holes)

type t = private Point.t list
type polygon = t
val make : Point.t list -> t
val first_point : t -> Point.t
val to_list : t -> Point.t list
val fold : ('a -> Point.t -> Point.t -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a

Same function as List.fold_left but on segments of a given polygon

val fold_filter : (Point.t -> Point.t -> bool) -> ('b -> Point.t -> Point.t -> 'b) -> 'b -> t -> 'b

Same function as fold but filters segments with the first argument

val perimeter : t -> float
val area : t -> float
val proj_x : t -> float * float
val proj_y : t -> float * float
val translate : float -> float -> t -> t
val transform : Affine.t -> t -> t
val minmax_xy : t -> float * float * float * float
val intersect_line : t -> Line.t -> Point.t list

returns the intersection point of a line and a polygon

val contains : t -> Point.t -> bool

Returns true if a polygon contains a point. Randolph Franklin code for raycasting

val segments_intersection_points : Point.t list Segment.Tbl.t -> t -> t -> Point.t list

Get a list of the intersections points of the edges of two polygons

val intersection_polygons : t -> t -> t list

Implementation of Weiler Atherton Algorithm for concave/convexe polygons clipping. Complexity is O(m*n).

val triangulation : t -> (Point.t * Point.t * Point.t) list
module Convex : sig ... end

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