package grenier

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type set = int

Each set is identified by an integer

type 'n t

A partitioning structure for a set of cardinal 'n \ (encoded as a Strong.Natural)

val create : ?partition:('n Strong.Finite.elt -> 'n Strong.Finite.elt -> int) -> 'n Strong.Finite.set -> 'n t

create ?partition n create a fresh partitioning data structure for a set of cardinal n. If partition is not provided, the datastructure is initialized with a single subset that contains all elements. Otherwise, partition must be a total ordering function and elements that can be distinguished are put in different subsets.

val mark : 'n t -> 'n Strong.Finite.elt -> unit

mark part elt marks the element elt as active. The datastructure manages an active set by marking a certain number of elements, and then applying an operation to all of them at once.

val split : 'n t -> unit

Put marked elements in different sets. That is, each input set is split in two subsets one with the marked and one with the unmarked elements. Active set is reset after (no elements are marked).

val discard_unmarked : 'n t -> unit

Elements that are not marked are removed from the partition (they will be ignored by future operations). In practice, they are considered as belonging to set -1 (which can be observed by set_of function), and this -1 set is not counted by the set_count function. Active set is reset after (no elements are marked).

val discard : 'n t -> ('n Strong.Finite.elt -> bool) -> unit

discard part f calls the function f for each element in the set and discard it if the function returns true. Active set must be empty before and is reset after (no elements are marked).

val set_count : 'n t -> int

Number of sets in the current partition

val set_of : 'n t -> 'n Strong.Finite.elt -> set

set_of part elt returns the index of the set that contains element elt. Result is between 0 and set_of part - 1 unless the element has been discarded, in which case it is -1.

val choose : 'n t -> set -> 'n Strong.Finite.elt

choose part set returns an arbitrary element that belongs to set set. set must be between 0 and set_of part - 1.

val choose_opt : 'n t -> set -> 'n Strong.Finite.elt option

choose part set returns an arbitrary element that belongs to set set. set must be between 0 and set_of part - 1.

val iter_elements : 'n t -> set -> ('n Strong.Finite.elt -> unit) -> unit

iter_elements part set f applies function f to each element that currently belongs to set set.

val iter_marked_elements : 'n t -> set -> ('n Strong.Finite.elt -> unit) -> unit

iter_marked_elements part set f applies function f to each element that currently belongs to set set and is marked.

val clear_marks : 'n t -> unit

Remove all marks (reset the active set)

val marked_sets : 'n t -> set list

Returns all sets that have marked elements.

val is_first : 'n t -> 'n Strong.Finite.elt -> bool

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