package irmin-git

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Blob = Git.Blob.Make(Hash)
module Commit = Git.Commit.Make(Hash)
module Tree = Git.Tree.Make(Hash)
module Tag = Git.Tag.Make(Hash)
type t = Git.Value.Make(Hash)(Inflate)(Deflate).t =
  1. | Blob of Blob.t

    The Blob.t OCaml value.

  2. | Commit of Commit.t

    The Commit.t OCaml value.

  3. | Tree of Tree.t

    The Tree.t OCaml value.

  4. | Tag of Tag.t

    The Tag.t OCaml value.


OCaml value which represents a Git object.

val blob : Blob.t -> t
val commit : Commit.t -> t
val tree : Tree.t -> t
val tag : Tag.t -> t
val kind : t -> [ `Commit | `Blob | `Tree | `Tag ]

kind o returns the kind of the Git object.

val pp_kind : [ `Commit | `Blob | `Tree | `Tag ] Fmt.t

pp_kind ppf kind is a human readable pretty-printer of kind.

module MakeMeta (Meta : Encore.Meta.S) : sig ... end
module A : sig ... end
module M : sig ... end
module D : sig ... end
module E : sig ... end
val digest : t -> Hash.t
val pp : t Fmt.t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val hash : t -> int
val equal : t -> t -> bool
module Set : Set.S with type elt = t
module Map : Map.S with type key = t
val length : t -> int64