package irmin-pack

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module type S = sig ... end
module type Persistent = sig ... end
module type Internal = sig ... end
module Make (H : Irmin.Hash.S) (Node : Irmin.Private.Node.S with type hash = H.t) (Inter : Internal with type hash = H.t and type Val.metadata = Node.metadata and type Val.step = Node.step) (Pack : Content_addressable.S with type key = H.t and type value = Inter.Raw.t) : S with type 'a t = 'a Pack.t and type key = H.t and type Val.metadata = Node.metadata and type Val.step = Node.step and type value = Inter.Val.t
module Make_persistent (H : Irmin.Hash.S) (Node : Irmin.Private.Node.S with type hash = H.t) (Inter : Internal with type hash = H.t and type Val.metadata = Node.metadata and type Val.step = Node.step) (CA : Pack_store.Maker with type key = H.t and type index = Irmin_pack__.Pack_index.Make(H).t) : sig ... end