package jsonm

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type lexeme = [
  1. | `Ae
  2. | `As
  3. | `Bool of bool
  4. | `Float of float
  5. | `Name of string
  6. | `Null
  7. | `Oe
  8. | `Os
  9. | `String of string
val pp_lexeme : Format.formatter -> [< lexeme ] -> unit
type error = [
  1. | `Expected of [ `Aval of bool | `Comment | `Eoi | `Json | `Name | `Name_sep | `Omem of bool | `Value ]
  2. | `Illegal_BOM
  3. | `Illegal_bytes of string
  4. | `Illegal_escape of [ `Lone_hi_surrogate of int | `Lone_lo_surrogate of int | `Not_esc_uchar of int | `Not_hex_uchar of int | `Not_lo_surrogate of int ]
  5. | `Illegal_literal of string
  6. | `Illegal_number of string
  7. | `Illegal_string_uchar of int
  8. | `Unclosed of [ `As | `Comment | `Os | `String ]
val pp_error : Format.formatter -> [< error ] -> unit
type encoding = [
  1. | `UTF_16
  2. | `UTF_16BE
  3. | `UTF_16LE
  4. | `UTF_8
type src = [
  1. | `Channel of Pervasives.in_channel
  2. | `Manual
  3. | `String of string
type decoder
val decoder : ?encoding:[< encoding ] -> [< src ] -> decoder
val decode : decoder -> [> `Await | `End | `Error of error | `Lexeme of lexeme ]
val decoded_range : decoder -> (int * int) * (int * int)
val decoder_encoding : decoder -> encoding
val decoder_src : decoder -> src
type dst = [
  1. | `Buffer of Buffer.t
  2. | `Channel of Pervasives.out_channel
  3. | `Manual
type encoder
val encoder : ?minify:bool -> [< dst ] -> encoder
val encode : encoder -> [< `Await | `End | `Lexeme of lexeme ] -> [ `Ok | `Partial ]
val encoder_dst : encoder -> dst
val encoder_minify : encoder -> bool
module Manual : sig ... end
module Uncut : sig ... end