package kubecaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Allowed_flex_volume : sig ... end

Allowed_flex_volume represents a single Flexvolume that is allowed to be used.

module Allowed_host_path : sig ... end

defines the host volume conditions that will be enabled by a policy for pods to use. It requires the path prefix to be defined.

module Daemon_set : sig ... end

Deprecated - This group version of Daemon_set is deprecated by apps/v1beta2/daemon_set. See the release notes for more information. Daemon_set represents the configuration of a daemon set.

module Daemon_set_condition : sig ... end

Daemon_set_condition describes the state of a Daemon_set at a certain point.

module Daemon_set_list : sig ... end

Daemon_set_list is a collection of daemon sets.

module Daemon_set_spec : sig ... end

Daemon_set_spec is the specification of a daemon set.

module Daemon_set_status : sig ... end

Daemon_set_status represents the current status of a daemon set.

module Daemon_set_update_strategy : sig ... end
module Deployment : sig ... end

Deprecated - This group version of Deployment is deprecated by apps/v1beta2/deployment. See the release notes for more information. Deployment enables declarative updates for Pods and Replica_sets.

module Deployment_condition : sig ... end

Deployment_condition describes the state of a deployment at a certain point.

module Deployment_list : sig ... end

Deployment_list is a list of Deployments.

module Deployment_rollback : sig ... end

Deprecated. Deployment_rollback stores the information required to rollback a deployment.

module Deployment_spec : sig ... end

Deployment_spec is the specification of the desired behavior of the Deployment.

module Deployment_status : sig ... end

Deployment_status is the most recently observed status of the Deployment.

module Deployment_strategy : sig ... end

Deployment_strategy describes how to replace existing pods with new ones.

module Fs_group_strategy_options : sig ... end

Fs_group_strategy_options defines the strategy type and options used to create the strategy.

module Host_port_range : sig ... end

Host Port Range defines a range of host ports that will be enabled by a policy for pods to use. It requires both the start and end to be defined.

module Http_ingress_path : sig ... end

Http_ingress_path associates a path regex with a backend. Incoming urls matching the path are forwarded to the backend.

module Http_ingress_rule_value : sig ... end

Http_ingress_rule_value is a list of http selectors pointing to backends. In the example: http://<host>/<path>?<searchpart> _> backend where where parts of the url correspond to Rfc 3986, this resource will be used to match against everything after the last '/' and before the first '?' or '#'.

module Id_range : sig ... end

Id Range provides a min/max of an allowed range of Ids.

module Ingress : sig ... end

Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach the endpoints defined by a backend. An Ingress can be configured to give services externally_reachable urls, load balance traffic, terminate Ssl, offer name based virtual hosting etc.

module Ingress_backend : sig ... end

Ingress_backend describes all endpoints for a given service and port.

module Ingress_list : sig ... end

Ingress_list is a collection of Ingress.

module Ingress_rule : sig ... end

Ingress_rule represents the rules mapping the paths under a specified host to the related backend services. Incoming requests are first evaluated for a host match, then routed to the backend associated with the matching Ingress_rule_value.

module Ingress_spec : sig ... end

Ingress_spec describes the Ingress the user wishes to exist.

module Ingress_status : sig ... end

Ingress_status describe the current state of the Ingress.

module Ingress_tls : sig ... end

Ingress_tls describes the transport layer security associated with an Ingress.

module Ip_block : sig ... end

Deprecated 1.9 - This group version of Ip_block is deprecated by networking/v1/ip_block. Ip_block describes a particular Cidr (ex. "") that is allowed to the pods matched by a Network_policy_spec's pod_selector. The except entry describes Cidrs that should not be included within this rule.

module Network_policy : sig ... end

Deprecated 1.9 - This group version of Network_policy is deprecated by networking/v1/network_policy. Network_policy describes what network traffic is allowed for a set of Pods

module Network_policy_egress_rule : sig ... end

Deprecated 1.9 - This group version of Network_policy_egress_rule is deprecated by networking/v1/network_policy_egress_rule. Network_policy_egress_rule describes a particular set of traffic that is allowed out of pods matched by a Network_policy_spec's pod_selector. The traffic must match both ports and to. This type is beta_level in 1.8

module Network_policy_ingress_rule : sig ... end

Deprecated 1.9 - This group version of Network_policy_ingress_rule is deprecated by networking/v1/network_policy_ingress_rule. This Network_policy_ingress_rule matches traffic if and only if the traffic matches both ports And from.

module Network_policy_list : sig ... end

Deprecated 1.9 - This group version of Network_policy_list is deprecated by networking/v1/network_policy_list. Network Policy List is a list of Network_policy objects.

module Network_policy_peer : sig ... end

Deprecated 1.9 - This group version of Network_policy_peer is deprecated by networking/v1/network_policy_peer.

module Network_policy_port : sig ... end

Deprecated 1.9 - This group version of Network_policy_port is deprecated by networking/v1/network_policy_port.

module Network_policy_spec : sig ... end

Deprecated 1.9 - This group version of Network_policy_spec is deprecated by networking/v1/network_policy_spec.

module Pod_security_policy : sig ... end

Pod Security Policy governs the ability to make requests that affect the Security Context that will be applied to a pod and container.

module Pod_security_policy_list : sig ... end

Pod Security Policy List is a list of Pod_security_policy objects.

module Pod_security_policy_spec : sig ... end

Pod Security Policy Spec defines the policy enforced.

module Replica_set : sig ... end

Deprecated - This group version of Replica_set is deprecated by apps/v1beta2/replica_set. See the release notes for more information. Replica_set ensures that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any given time.

module Replica_set_condition : sig ... end

Replica_set_condition describes the state of a replica set at a certain point.

module Replica_set_list : sig ... end

Replica_set_list is a collection of Replica_sets.

module Replica_set_spec : sig ... end

Replica_set_spec is the specification of a Replica_set.

module Replica_set_status : sig ... end

Replica_set_status represents the current status of a Replica_set.

module Rollback_config : sig ... end


module Rolling_update_daemon_set : sig ... end

Spec to control the desired behavior of daemon set rolling update.

module Rolling_update_deployment : sig ... end

Spec to control the desired behavior of rolling update.

module Run_as_user_strategy_options : sig ... end

Run A s_user Strategy Options defines the strategy type and any options used to create the strategy.

module Scale : sig ... end

represents a scaling request for a resource.

module Scale_spec : sig ... end

describes the attributes of a scale subresource

module Scale_status : sig ... end

represents the current status of a scale subresource.

module Se_linux_strategy_options : sig ... end

Se_linux Strategy Options defines the strategy type and any options used to create the strategy.

Supplemental_groups_strategy_options defines the strategy type and options used to create the strategy.