package lambdapi

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Representation of trees as graphviz files.

Graphviz is a graph visualization software. This module handles the conversion from Core.Term.dtree data structures in the dot language that can be interpreted by graphviz.

See the chapter doc/ of the documentation for more information.

type dot_term =
  1. | DotDefa
  2. | DotAbst of int
  3. | DotProd of int
  4. | DotCons of Core.Tree_type.TC.t
  5. | DotSuccess
  6. | DotFailure

Printing hint for conversion to graphviz.

val to_dot : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Core.Term.sym -> unit

to_dot ppf sym prints a dot graphviz representation of the tree of symbol sym on ppf. Each node of the tree embodies a pattern matrix. The label of a node is the column index in the matrix on which the matching is performed to give birth to the child node. The label on the edge between a node and one of its children represents the term matched to generate the next pattern matrix (the one of the child node).


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