package mc2

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Boolean Clauses

type t
val make : ?tag:int -> Mc2_core__.Solver_types.atom list -> Mc2_core__.Solver_types.premise -> t

make atoms premise creates a clause with the given attributes.

val make_arr : ?tag:int -> Mc2_core__.Solver_types.atom array -> Mc2_core__.Solver_types.premise -> t

make_arr atoms premise creates a clause with the given attributes. Consumes the array.

val equal : t -> t -> bool
val hash : t -> int
val visited : t -> bool
val mark_visited : t -> unit
val clear_visited : t -> unit
val attached : t -> bool
val set_attached : t -> unit
val deleted : t -> bool
val set_deleted : t -> unit
val atoms : t -> Mc2_core__.Solver_types.atom array
val activity : t -> float
val name : t -> int
val premise : t -> Mc2_core__.Solver_types.premise
val get_tag : t -> int option

Recover tag from a clause, if any

val gc_mark : t -> unit
val gc_unmark : t -> unit
val gc_marked : t -> bool
val pp_name : t CCFormat.printer

nice printer

val debug : t CCFormat.printer

nice printer

very verbose printer

val pp_atoms : Mc2_core__.Solver_types.atom list CCFormat.printer
val debug_atoms : Mc2_core__.Solver_types.atom list CCFormat.printer
val debug_atoms_a : Mc2_core__.Solver_types.atom array CCFormat.printer
val pp_dimacs : t CCFormat.printer
module Tbl : CCHashtbl.S with type key = Mc2_core__.Solver_types.clause
module Set : CCSet.S with type elt = Mc2_core__.Solver_types.clause