package metadata

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module R : sig ... end
val read_size : synch_safe:bool -> R.t -> int
val read_size_v2 : R.t -> int
val unterminate : int -> string -> string

Remove trailing nulls.

val next_substring : int -> ?offset:int -> string -> int

Find the index of the substring after the first null-terminated substring.

val normalize_id : string -> string
val make_recode : (?source:[ `ISO_8859_1 | `UTF_16 | `UTF_16BE | `UTF_16LE | `UTF_8 ] -> string -> string) option -> int -> string -> string
val parse : ?recode: (?source:[ `ISO_8859_1 | `UTF_16 | `UTF_16BE | `UTF_16LE | `UTF_8 ] -> string -> string) -> R.t -> (string * string) list

Parse ID3v2 tags.

val parse_file : ?recode: (?source:[ `ISO_8859_1 | `UTF_16 | `UTF_16BE | `UTF_16LE | `UTF_8 ] -> string -> string) -> string -> (string * string) list
val dump : R.t -> string

Dump ID3v2 header.

val dump_file : string -> string
type apic = {
  1. mime : string;
  2. picture_type : int;
  3. description : string;
  4. data : string;

APIC data.

type pic = {
  1. pic_format : string;
  2. pic_type : int;
  3. pic_description : string;
  4. pic_data : string;
val parse_apic : ?recode: (?source:[ `ISO_8859_1 | `UTF_16 | `UTF_16BE | `UTF_16LE | `UTF_8 ] -> string -> string) -> string -> apic

Parse APIC data.

val parse_pic : ?recode: (?source:[ `ISO_8859_1 | `UTF_16 | `UTF_16BE | `UTF_16LE | `UTF_8 ] -> string -> string) -> string -> pic

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