package minicaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val terr : string -> string -> 'a
val typeof : Types.evt -> Types.typeinfo
val infer_lowest_numbert : Types.typeinfo -> Types.evt list -> Types.typeinfo

Get the lowest (most inclusive set) number type from a list of numbers

val cast_numbert : Types.typeinfo -> Types.evt -> Types.evt
val flatten_numbert_list : Types.evt list -> Types.typeinfo * Types.evt list

Accept a list of numbers and flatten out their kind on the numerical tower hierarchy

val stcheck : Types.typeinfo -> Types.typeinfo -> unit

Static typechecking inferer

Unpacking functions: extract a value or throw an err

val unpack_int : Types.evt -> int
val unpack_float : Types.evt -> float
val unpack_complex : Types.evt -> Types.complext
val unpack_bool : Types.evt -> bool
val unpack_string : Types.evt -> string
val unpack_list : Types.evt -> Types.evt list
val unpack_dict : Types.evt -> (Types.ide * Types.evt) list
val unpack_closure : Types.evt -> Types.ide option * Types.ide * Types.expr * Types.env_type

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