package mlpost

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Definitions of many colors


type t

the abstract type of colors

val default : t

the default color is black

val rgb : float -> float -> float -> t

rgb r g b constructs the color that corresponds to the color code RGB(r,g,b)

val rgb8 : int -> int -> int -> t

rgb r g b constructs the color that corresponds to the color code RGB(r,g,b)

similar to rgb, but takes integers between 0 and 255 as argument

val cmyk : float -> float -> float -> float -> t

cmyk c m y k constructs the color that corresponds to the color code CMYK(c,m,y,k)

WARNING : If you use transparency with .mps file in your latex document you need to add : \LoadMetaPostSpecialExtensions in the preamble

val rgba : float -> float -> float -> float -> t

similar to rgb, but takes the factor of transparency

val rgb8a : int -> int -> int -> int -> t

similar to rgb8, but takes the factor of transparency

val cmyka : float -> float -> float -> float -> float -> t

similar to cmyk, but takes the factor of transparency

val is_opaque : t -> bool

test if the color is opaque

val opaque : t -> t

make a color opaque

val transparent : float -> t -> t

transparent f c multiplies by f the factor of transparency of c

val hsv : float -> float -> float -> t

hsv h s v convert an hsv color to an rgb. 0 <= h < 360, 0 <= s,v <= 1

color generator

val color_gen : float -> float -> unit -> t

Predefined Colors

base colors

val white : t
val black : t
val red : t
val blue : t
val green : t
val cyan : t
val yellow : t
val magenta : t

lighter colors

val lightred : t
val lightblue : t
val lightgreen : t
val lightcyan : t
val lightyellow : t
val lightmagenta : t


val gray : float -> t
val lightgray : t
val mediumgray : t
val darkgray : t

additional colors

val orange : t
val purple : t

X11-named Colors

val color : string -> t

color n returns the RGB color associated to name n (as defined in /etc/X11/rgb.txt). Raises Not_found if n does not correspond to a color. See this list for an overview.