package mrmime

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type part = Rfc2045.field
type t
val default : t

Default Content-* fields according RFC 2045 - which contains at least a Content-type field with Content_type.Type.default as type and Content_type.Subtype.default as subtype.

val make : ?encoding:Content_encoding.t -> ?id:MessageID.t -> Content_type.t -> t

make ~encoding ~id content_type makes a content value which contains Content-Transfer-Encoding with encoding value, Content-ID with id and Content-Type field with content_type value.

val number : t -> int option

number content returns the last order of the last field added into content.

val length : t -> int

length content returns how many Content-* fields content has.

val empty : t

empty is an empty content which does not have any default values.

val add : Content_field.field -> t -> t

add field content adds field into content.

val add_or_replace : Content_field.field -> t -> t

add_or_replace field content adds field if it does not exist in content or replace older one by the new one.

val merge : (Content_field.field option -> Content_field.field option -> Content_field.field option) -> t -> t -> t

merge f a b computes a map whose fields is a subset of fields of a and of b. The presence of each such field, and the corresponding value, is determined with the function f.

val add_parameter : key:Content_type.Parameters.key -> value:Content_type.Parameters.value -> t -> t

add_parameter ~key ~value content directly adds parameter to the Content-Type field. If the Content-Type does not exist in content, we add a default one.

val (&) : Content_field.field -> t -> t

Alias of add.

ty content returns type of the Content-Type field. If it does not exist, it returns Content_type.Type.default.

val subty : t -> Content_type.Subtype.t

subty content returns subtype of the Content-type field. If it does not exist, it returns Content_type.Subtype.default.

val encoding : t -> Content_encoding.t

encoding content returns value of the Content-Encoding field. If it does not exist, it returns Content_encoding.default.

val parameters : t -> Content_type.Parameters.t

parameters content returns parameters of the Content-Type field.

val is_discrete : t -> bool

is_discrete content returns true if the type of the Content-Type field is discrete (eg. Content_type.Type.t). If Content-Type does not exist, it returns true. In any other case, it returns false.

val is_multipart : t -> bool

is_multipart content returns true if the type of the Content-Type field is multipart. If Content-Type does not exist or type is not multipart, it returns false.

val is_message : t -> bool

is_message content returns true if the type of the Content-Type field is message. If Content-Type does not exist or type is not message, it returns false.

val boundary : t -> Rfc2045.value option

boundary content introspect content to return existing boundary parameter of Content-Type field. If Content-Type or boundary parameter does not exist, it returns None.


val equal : t -> t -> bool

Equal function of t.


val pp : t Fmt.t

Pretty-printer of t.

val reduce_as_part : (int * [> part ] as 'a * Location.t) list -> t -> t * (int * 'a * Location.t) list
val reduce_as_mail : (int * [> mail ] as 'a * Location.t) list -> t -> t * (int * 'a * Location.t) list

Encoder of Content-* fields.

module Encoder : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.