package netsnmp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include Session_intf.S with module IO := Netsnmp_io_impl
include module type of struct include Netsnmp_raw.Session end
val session_id : t -> int
module Snmp_version = Netsnmp_raw.Session.Snmp_version

Supported SNMP versions

module Snmp_sec_auth_proto = Netsnmp_raw.Session.Snmp_sec_auth_proto

Supported SNMP authentication protocols for V3

val snmp_sess_open : version:Snmp_version.t -> retries:int -> timeout:int -> peername:string -> localname:string -> local_port:int -> community:string -> securityName:string -> securityAuthProto:Snmp_sec_auth_proto.t -> securityAuthPassword:string -> unit -> t
val snmp_sess_close : t -> unit
val snmp_sess_synch_response : t -> Netsnmp_raw.Pdu.t -> (Netsnmp_raw.Oid.t * Netsnmp_raw.ASN1_value.t) list