package opam-core

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


module G : G


module G : module type of struct include G end with type V.t = G.V.t
val iter : jobs:int -> command:(pred:(G.V.t * 'a) list -> G.V.t -> 'a OpamProcess.job) -> ?dry_run:bool -> ?mutually_exclusive:G.V.t list list -> G.t -> unit

Runs the job command ~pred v for every node v in a graph, in topological order, using jobs concurrent processes. pred is the associative list of job results on direct predecessors of v.

val map : jobs:int -> command:(pred:(G.V.t * 'a) list -> G.V.t -> 'a OpamProcess.job) -> ?dry_run:bool -> ?mutually_exclusive:G.V.t list list -> G.t -> (G.V.t * 'a) list

Same as iter, but returns the results of all jobs as a vertex,result associative list

exception Errors of G.V.t list * (G.V.t * exn) list * G.V.t list

Raised when the command functions raised exceptions. Parameters are (successfully traversed nodes, exception nodes and corresponding exceptions, remaining nodes that weren't traversed)

exception Cyclic of G.V.t list list

Raised when the graph to traverse has cycles. Returns the cycles found.


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