package resp-client

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


module Client : CLIENT
module S : Resp.S with type Reader.ic = Client.ic and type Writer.oc = Client.oc


include Resp.S with module Reader = S.Reader with module Writer = S.Writer
module Reader = S.Reader
module Writer = S.Writer
type t = Client.ic * Client.oc
type params = Client.params
val connect : params -> t Lwt.t
val read : t -> Resp.t Lwt.t
val write : t -> Resp.t -> unit Lwt.t
val run : t -> Resp.t array -> Resp.t Lwt.t
val run_s : t -> string array -> Resp.t Lwt.t
val decode : t -> Resp.lexeme -> Resp.t Lwt.t
val read_lexeme : t -> Resp.lexeme Lwt.t