package sexp_decode

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Documentation for the Sexp_decode library

The Sexp_decode library consists in the Sexp_decode module only.

The purpose of the library is to help the translation of S-expressions into structured data. It uses the definition of S-expressions provided by the Csexp library.

For example, you may want to transform an address book encoded as an S-expression into structured data, that is easier to process.

Your address book looks like the following:

# open Sexp_decode;;

# let address_book : sexp =
          Atom "entry";
          List [ Atom "name"; Atom "John Doe" ];
          List [ Atom "country"; Atom "New Zealand" ];
          Atom "entry";
          List [ Atom "name"; Atom "Mary Poppins" ];
          List [ Atom "email"; Atom "" ];
          Atom "entry";
          List [ Atom "name"; Atom "Groot" ];
          List [ Atom "country"; Atom "Groot" ];
val address_book : sexp =
     [Atom "entry"; List [Atom "name"; Atom "John Doe"];
      List [Atom "country"; Atom "New Zealand"]];
     [Atom "entry"; List [Atom "name"; Atom "Mary Poppins"];
      List [Atom "email"; Atom ""]];
     [Atom "entry"; List [Atom "name"; Atom "Groot"];
      List [Atom "country"; Atom "Groot"]]]

A representation as an OCaml value that is probably easier to work with, is by using the following entry type:

# type entry =
  { name : string; country : string option; email : string option };;
type entry = { name : string; country : string option; email : string option; }

# type address_book = entry list;;
type address_book = entry list

It is easy to define decoders that produce values of types entry and address_book:

# let entry_decoder : entry decoder =
  field "entry"
  @@ let* name = field "name" atom in
     let* country = maybe @@ field "country" atom in
     let+ email = maybe @@ field "email" atom in
     { name; country; email };;
val entry_decoder : entry decoder = <abstr>

# let address_book_decoder : address_book decoder = list entry;;
val address_book_decoder : address_book decoder = <abstr>

Then, you can execute the run function, that has type 'a decoder -> sexp -> 'a option. It produces the following result on our address_book example:

# run address_book_decoder address_book;;
- : address_book option =
 [{name = "John Doe"; country = Some "New Zealand"; email = None};
  {name = "Mary Poppins"; country = None;
   email = Some ""};
  {name = "Groot"; country = Some "Groot"; email = None}]

In addition to the field, maybe, atom and list decoders, the Sexp_decode library provides combinators to build compound decoders from basic ones, and compose them together.


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