package sihl

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
include module type of struct include Sihl_facade.Queue end
val to_sexp : 'a Sihl_contract.Queue.t -> Sexplib0.Sexp.t
val pp : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a Sihl_contract.Queue.t -> unit
val default_tries : int
val default_retry_delay : Sihl_core.Time.duration
val create : name:string -> input_to_string:('a -> string option) -> string_to_input:(string option -> ('a, string) Stdlib.result) -> handle:('a -> (unit, string) Stdlib.result Lwt.t) -> ?failed:(string -> (unit, string) Lwt_result.t) -> unit -> 'a Sihl_contract.Queue.t
val set_max_tries : int -> 'a Sihl_contract.Queue.t -> 'a Sihl_contract.Queue.t
include Sihl_contract.Queue.Sig
val dispatch : 'a Sihl_contract.Queue.t -> ?delay:Sihl_core.Time.duration -> 'a -> unit Lwt.t

dispatch job ?delay input queues job for processing while input input is the input that the job needs to run. Use delay to run the job earliest after a certain amount of time.

val register_jobs : 'a Sihl_contract.Queue.t list -> unit Lwt.t

register_jobs jobs registers jobs that can be dispatched.

Only registered jobs can be dispatched. Dispatching a job that was not registered does nothing.

val lifecycle : unit -> Sihl_core.Container.Lifecycle.t
module Setup : sig ... end

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