package stog_writing

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val module_name : string
val info : ((?loc:Xtmpl.Xml.loc -> ?tags:Logs.Tag.set -> ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, unit) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a) -> unit) -> unit
val warn : ((?loc:Xtmpl.Xml.loc -> ?tags:Logs.Tag.set -> ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, unit) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a) -> unit) -> unit
val err : ((?loc:Xtmpl.Xml.loc -> ?tags:Logs.Tag.set -> ('a, Stdlib.Format.formatter, unit, unit) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a) -> unit) -> unit
val rc_file : Stog.Types.stog -> string
type auto_id_spec =
module Smap = Stog.Types.Str_map
module XR = Xtmpl.Rewrite
module XH = Xtmpl.Xhtml
module Xml = Xtmpl.Xml
module W = Ocf.Wrapper
module J = Yojson.Safe
val smap_wrapper : 'a W.t -> 'b Smap.t W.t
val auto_id_spec_wrapper : auto_id_spec Ocf.Wrapper.t
val default_tags : auto_id_spec Smap.t
type spec = {
  1. tags : auto_id_spec Smap.t;
val default_spec : spec
val spec_wrapper : bool -> spec W.t
type auto_ids = {
  1. default : spec;
  2. by_type : spec Smap.t;
val default_auto_ids : auto_ids
val auto_ids_wrapper : auto_ids Ocf.Wrapper.t
type wdata = {
  1. auto_ids : auto_ids;
  2. bib_entries : (Stog.Path.path * Stog_writing__.Bibtex.entry) Smap.t;
  3. bibs_by_path : Stog_writing__.Bibtex.entry list Smap.t Stog.Path.Map.t;
  4. generated_by_doc : Stog.Types.Str_set.t Stog.Path.Map.t;
val empty_data : wdata
val load_config : 'a -> (Stog.Types.stog * wdata) -> 'b -> Stog.Types.stog * wdata


val note_source_id : int -> string
val note_target_id : int -> string
val fun_prepare_notes : 'a -> 'b -> ?loc:'c -> 'd -> XR.tree list -> 'e * XR.tree list
val rules_notes : ((string * string) * ('a -> 'b -> ?loc:'c -> 'd -> XR.tree list -> 'a * XR.tree list)) list
val fun_level_notes : wdata Stog.Engine.level_fun


val add_bib_entry : wdata -> Stog.Path.path -> Stog_writing__.Bibtex.entry -> wdata
val bib_entries_of_file : ?prefix:string -> ?loc:Xml.loc -> string -> Stog_writing__.Bibtex.entry list
val get_bib_entry_field : Stog_writing__.Bibtex.entry -> string -> string
val sort_bib_entries : string list -> bool -> Stog_writing__.Bibtex.entry list -> Stog_writing__.Bibtex.entry list
val add_bibliography : ?name:Smap.key -> ?sort:string -> ?reverse:bool -> ?prefix:string -> ?loc:Xml.loc -> Stog.Types.doc -> (wdata * Stog_writing__.Bibtex.entry list Smap.t * int) -> string -> wdata * Stog_writing__.Bibtex.entry list Smap.t * int
val init_bib : 'a -> (Stog.Types.stog * wdata) -> Stog.Types.Doc_set.t -> Stog.Types.stog * wdata
val fun_level_init : wdata Stog.Engine.level_fun
val fun_bib_field : Stog_writing__.Bibtex.entry -> 'a -> 'b -> ?loc:'c -> XR.attributes -> 'd -> 'e * XR.tree list
val add_bib_entry_env : 'a XR.env -> Stog_writing__.Bibtex.entry -> 'b XR.env
val xml_of_format : string -> XR.tree list
val escape_bib_entry_id : string -> string
val mk_bib_entry_anchor : Stog_writing__.Bibtex.entry -> string
val mk_bib_entry_link : 'a -> Stog.Path.path -> Stog_writing__.Bibtex.entry -> XR.tree list -> XR.tree
val fun_cite : ('a * wdata) -> ('b * wdata) XR.env -> ?loc:'c -> XR.attributes -> XR.tree list -> ('d * wdata) * XR.tree list
val xml_of_bib_entry : (Stog.Types.stog * 'a) XR.env -> Stog.Types.doc_id -> Stog.Types.doc -> ((Stog.Types.stog * 'b) * Xtmpl.Rewrite.tree list) -> Stog_writing__.Bibtex.entry -> (Stog.Types.stog * 'c) * Xtmpl.Rewrite.tree list
val get_in_env : 'a -> 'a Stog.Html.XR.env -> -> 'a * Stog.Html.XR.tree list
val get_in_args_or_env : 'a -> 'a Stog.Engine.XR.env -> Stog.Engine.XR.attributes -> -> 'a * Stog.Engine.XR.tree list
val get_path : 'a -> 'a Stog.Html.XR.env -> 'a * Stog.Path.path
val rules_bib : 'a -> Stog.Types.doc Stog.Tmap.key -> ((string * string) * ((Stog.Types.stog * wdata) -> (Stog.Types.stog * wdata) Stog.Html.XR.env -> ?loc:Xml.loc -> XR.attributes -> Xtmpl.Rewrite.tree list -> (Stog.Types.stog * wdata) * Xtmpl.Rewrite.tree list)) list
val fun_level_bib : wdata Stog.Engine.level_fun

Adding references to paragraphs and handling blocks (like environments in latex).

val add_string : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> string -> unit
val text_of_xml : bool -> Stdlib.Buffer.t -> XR.tree -> unit
val text_of_atts : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> XR.attributes -> unit
val text_of_xmls : bool -> Stdlib.Buffer.t -> XR.tree list -> unit
val max_size : int
val create_id : XR.tree list -> string
val fun_p : ?embed:string -> -> Stog.Types.doc -> ('a * wdata) -> ('b * wdata) XR.env -> ?loc:Xml.loc -> XR.attributes -> XR.tree list -> ('c * wdata) * XR.tree list
val tags_of_tag_spec : auto_id_spec Smap.t -> (Smap.key * string option) list
val rules_auto_ids : Stog.Types.stog -> wdata -> Stog.Types.doc Stog.Tmap.key -> ((string * string) * (('a * wdata) -> ('a * wdata) XR.env -> ?loc:'b -> XR.attributes -> XR.tree list -> ('a * wdata) * XR.tree list)) list
val fun_level_auto_ids : wdata Stog.Engine.level_fun
val level_funs : (string * wdata Stog.Engine.level_fun) list
val default_levels : int list Stog.Types.Str_map.t
val make_engine : ?levels:(string * int list) list -> unit -> (module Stog.Engine.Module)

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