package tezos-lwt-result-stdlib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

The S signature is similar to Seq.S except that suspended nodes are wrapped in a result.

This allows some additional traversors (map_e, etc.) to be applied lazily.

The functions of_seq and of_seq_e allow conversion from vanilla sequences.

type ('a, 'e) t = unit -> (('a, 'e) node, 'e) result

This is similar to Stdlib.Seq.S.t but the suspended node is a result.

Consequently, the sequence of elements may be interrupted by an error. Specifically, there are two possible kinds of sequences:

  • interrupted sequences where one of the suspended nodes is not returned and an Error _ is produced instead, and
  • whole sequences where all the suspended nodes are actually returned inside an Ok _.

All the traversors below treat sequence interruption as an error that is returned as is.

Also note that nodes are suspended by a continuation rather than a lazy block. As a result, different traversals of the same sequence can lead to repeated evaluations of the same elements, or distinct sets of elements, or even a different kind of sequence. E.g., if a suspended sequence fails or succeeds depending on the content of a reference.

This is not recommended. You should use deterministic sequences that do not depend on state. Or you should use one-shot sequences that are used once and then never again. The documentation of this module is written assuming you adhere to these constraints.

and (+'a, 'e) node =
  1. | Nil
  2. | Cons of 'a * ('a, 'e) t
val empty : ('a, 'e) t

A whole sequence of zero elements.

val return : 'a -> ('a, 'e) t

return x is a whole sequence containing the single element x.

val return_e : ('a, 'e) result -> ('a, 'e) t

return_e (Ok x) is a whole sequence containing the single element x. return_e (Error e) is a sequence immediately interrupted by the error e.

val interrupted : 'e -> ('a, 'e) t

interrupted e is a sequence immediately interrupted by the error e.

val nil : ('a, 'e) node

nil is the node forming the empty sequence.

val cons : 'a -> ('a, 'e) t -> ('a, 'e) t

cons x s is the sequence containing x followed by s. It is a whole sequence if s is.

val cons_e : ('a, 'e) result -> ('a, 'e) t -> ('a, 'e) t

cons_e (Ok x) s is the sequence containing x followed by s. It is a whole sequence if s is.

cons_e (Error e) s is a sequence immediately interrupted by e.

val append : ('a, 'e) t -> ('a, 'e) t -> ('a, 'e) t

append s1 s2 is a sequence s. If s1 is a whole sequence then s is composed of all the elements of s1 followed by s2. If s1 is an interrupted sequence then s is indistinguishable from s1.

s is a whole sequence if both s1 and s2 are.

val first : ('a, 'e) t -> ('a, 'e) result option

first s is None if s is empty, it is Some (Error e) if s is immediately interrupted by e, it is Some (Ok x) where x is the first element of s otherwise.

Note that first forces the first element of the sequence, which can have side-effects or be computationally expensive. Consider, e.g., the case where s = filter (fun …) s': first s can force multiple of the values from s'.

val fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> ('b, 'e) t -> ('a, 'e) result

fold_left f init seq is

  • if seq is a whole sequence, then Ok x where x is the result of folding f over all the elements of seq starting with init, or
  • if seq is interrupted by Error e, then Error e.

Note that, as with all other traversors below, if the sequence is interrupted, all the side-effects of f on the successful prefix of seq have already been applied before the traversal returns Error _.

val fold_left_e : ('a -> 'b -> ('a, 'e) result) -> 'a -> ('b, 'e) t -> ('a, 'e) result

fold_left_e f init seq folds f over the elements of seq with an accumulator set at init. It stops traversal (returning Error _) if f returns an Error _ or if the sequence is interrupted. Otherwise it returns Ok _.

This function does not discriminate between interruption and traversal errors. The fold_left_e_discriminated provide such a distinction.

val fold_left_e_discriminated : ('a -> 'b -> ('a, 'f) result) -> 'a -> ('b, 'e) t -> ('a, ('e, 'f) Either.t) result

fold_left_e_discriminated f init seq is the same as fold_left_e but errors from f are wrapped in Right whilst interruptions in seq are wrapped in Left.

fold_left_e_discriminated f init seq is equivalent to

  (fun acc item ->
    f acc item |> Result.map_error (fun e -> Either.Right e))
  (s |> map_error (fun e -> Either.Left e))
val fold_left_s : ('a -> 'b -> 'a Lwt.t) -> 'a -> ('b, 'e) t -> ('a, 'e) result Lwt.t

fold_left_s f init seq is a promise that resolves to

  • if seq is a whole sequence, then Ok x where x is the result of folding f over all the elements of seq starting with init, or
  • if seq is interrupted by Error e, then Error e.

Note that if it returns Error _, the side-effects of f on previous elements have already been applied anyway.

The elements are traversed sequentially. Specifically, a node's suspension is called only when the f-promise of the previous node has resolved. Thus, there might be yielding in between suspensions being called.

val fold_left_es : ('a -> 'b -> ('a, 'e) result Lwt.t) -> 'a -> ('b, 'e) t -> ('a, 'e) result Lwt.t

fold_left_es f init seq is a promise that resolves to

  • if seq is a whole sequence and f-promises always resolve successfully, then the result of folding f over all the elements of seq starting with init,
  • otherwise, Error _ with the error that interrupts the sequence or with an error returned by f, whichever happens first.

The elements are traversed sequentially. Specifically, a node's suspension is called only when the f-promise of the previous node has resolved. Thus, there might be yielding in between suspensions being called.

val fold_left_es_discriminated : ('a -> 'b -> ('a, 'f) result Lwt.t) -> 'a -> ('b, 'e) t -> ('a, ('e, 'f) Either.t) result Lwt.t

fold_left_es_discriminated f init seq is the same as fold_left_es but errors from f are wrapped in Right whilst interruptions in seq are wrapped in Left.

fold_left_es_discriminated f init seq is equivalent to

  (fun acc item ->
    let+ r = f acc item in
    Result.map_error Either.right r)
  (s |> map_error Either.left)
val iter : ('a -> unit) -> ('a, 'e) t -> (unit, 'e) result

iter f seq is fold_left (fun () x -> f x) () seq

val iter_e : ('a -> (unit, 'e) result) -> ('a, 'e) t -> (unit, 'e) result

iter_e f seq is fold_left_e (fun () x -> f x) () seq

val iter_e_discriminated : ('a -> (unit, 'f) result) -> ('a, 'e) t -> (unit, ('e, 'f) Either.t) result

iter_e_discriminated f seq is like iter_e but the errors from f and seq are kept separate.

val iter_s : ('a -> unit Lwt.t) -> ('a, 'e) t -> (unit, 'e) result Lwt.t

iter_s f seq is fold_left_s (fun () x -> f x) () seq

val iter_es : ('a -> (unit, 'e) result Lwt.t) -> ('a, 'e) t -> (unit, 'e) result Lwt.t

iter_es f seq is fold_left_es (fun () x -> f x) () seq

val iter_es_discriminated : ('a -> (unit, 'f) result Lwt.t) -> ('a, 'e) t -> (unit, ('e, 'f) Either.t) result Lwt.t

iter_es_discriminated f seq is like iter_es but the errors from f and seq are kept separate.

val iter_p : ('a -> unit Lwt.t) -> ('a, 'e) t -> (unit, 'e) result Lwt.t

iter_p f seq is a promise p.

  • If seq is a whole sequence, then p resolves to Ok () once all the promises created by f on the elements of seq have resolved.
  • If seq is interrupted by Error e, then p resolves to Error e once all the promises created by f on the elements of the successful prefix of seq have resolved.

Note that the behaviour for interrupted sequences is in line with the best-effort semantic of Lwtreslib.

There is no iter_ep in Bare. The reason is that there can be two sources of failures and there is no satisfying way to combine failures for the caller.

val map : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a, 'e) t -> ('b, 'e) t

map f seq is a sequence feq.

  • If seq is a whole sequence, then feq is a whole sequence where the elements are the result of the application of f on the elements of seq.
  • If seq is an interrupted sequence, then feq is a sequence interrupted by Error e where the elements of the successful prefix are the result of the application of f on the elements of the successful prefix of seq.
val map_error : ('e -> 'f) -> ('a, 'e) t -> ('a, 'f) t

map_error f seq is a sequence feq.

  • If seq is a whole sequence, then feq is the same whole sequence.
  • If seq is an interrupted sequence, then feq is a sequence interrupted by Error (f e) where the elements of the successful prefix are the elements of the successful prefix of seq.
val map_e : ('a -> ('b, 'e) result) -> ('a, 'e) t -> ('b, 'e) t

map_e f seq is a sequence feq.

  • If seq is a whole sequence and if f is successful on all the elements of seq, then feq is a whole sequence where the elements are x where Ok x is the result of the application of f on the elements of seq.
  • Otherwise feq is a sequence composed of elements of seq mapped by f and interrupted by f returning Error or by seq's interruption (whichever comes first).

There is no map_e_discriminated because the result of a map* is a sequence (t) and so any error (even from f) is, in essence, an interruption of the resulting sequence.

If you need to apply such a distinction and you are ready to deal with the resulting Either.t-interruptible sequence, you can arrange this manually using map_error and Result.map_error.

A similar remark applies to the other combinators below.

val filter : ('a -> bool) -> ('a, 'e) t -> ('a, 'e) t

filter f s is a sequence of the same kind as s with only the elements for which f returns true.

val filter_e : ('a -> (bool, 'e) result) -> ('a, 'e) t -> ('a, 'e) t

filter_e f s is a sequence that is interrupted like s or by f being unsuccessful (whichever comes first) or whole (if neither cases apply). Whichever is the case, the elements of the resulting sequence are the elements of s for which f returns Ok true.

val filter_map : ('a -> 'b option) -> ('a, 'e) t -> ('b, 'e) t

filter_map f s is a sequence of the same kind as s where the elements are transformed by f (when it returns Some _) or dropped (when it returns None).

val filter_map_e : ('a -> ('b option, 'e) result) -> ('a, 'e) t -> ('b, 'e) t

filter_map_e f s is a sequence that is whole or that is interrupted in the same way as s (if it is) or that is interrupted by f (if it happens). Whichever the case, the elements of the sequence or the successful prefix thereof are transformed by f (when it returns Some _) or dropped (when it returns None).

val unfold : ('b -> ('a * 'b) option) -> 'b -> ('a, 'e) t
val unfold_e : ('b -> (('a * 'b) option, 'e) result) -> 'b -> ('a, 'e) t
val of_seq : 'a Seq.t -> ('a, 'e) t
val of_seq_e : ('a, 'e) result Seq.t -> ('a, 'e) t

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