package tezos-protocol-updater

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module P : sig ... end
include module type of struct include P end
include Tezos_protocol_environment.PROTOCOL
include Environment_protocol_T.T with type context := Environment_context.Context.t and type quota := Environment_context.quota and type validation_result := Environment_context.validation_result and type rpc_context := Environment_context.rpc_context and type 'a tzresult := ('a, Tezos_error_monad.TzCore.error Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.TzTrace.trace) result and type cache_key := Environment_context.Context.Cache.key and type cache_value := Environment_context.Context.Cache.value
include Environment_protocol_T_V3.T with type context := Environment_context.Context.t with type quota := Environment_context.quota with type validation_result := Environment_context.validation_result with type rpc_context := Environment_context.rpc_context with type 'a tzresult := ('a, Tezos_error_monad.TzCore.error Tezos_error_monad.Error_monad.TzTrace.trace) result with type cache_key := Environment_context.Context.Cache.key with type cache_value := Environment_context.Context.Cache.value
val max_block_length : int
val max_operation_data_length : int
val validation_passes : Environment_context.quota list
type block_header_data = P.block_header_data
val block_header_data_encoding : block_header_data Data_encoding.t
type block_header = P.block_header = {
  1. shell : Tezos_base.Block_header.shell_header;
  2. protocol_data : block_header_data;
type block_header_metadata = P.block_header_metadata
val block_header_metadata_encoding : block_header_metadata Data_encoding.t
type operation_data = P.operation_data
type operation_receipt = P.operation_receipt
type operation = P.operation = {
  1. shell : Tezos_base.Operation.shell_header;
  2. protocol_data : operation_data;
val operation_data_encoding : operation_data Data_encoding.t
val operation_receipt_encoding : operation_receipt Data_encoding.t
val operation_data_and_receipt_encoding : (operation_data * operation_receipt) Data_encoding.t
val acceptable_passes : operation -> int list
val relative_position_within_block : operation -> operation -> int
type validation_state = P.validation_state
val set_log_message_consumer : (Tezos_event_logging.Internal_event.level -> string -> unit) -> unit
val environment_version : Tezos_base.Protocol.env_version
val complete_b58prefix : Tezos_protocol_environment.Context.t -> string -> string list Lwt.t