package trail

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type upgrade_opts = {
  1. do_upgrade : bool;
type ('state, 'error) handle_result = [
  1. | `push of Frame.t list * 'state
  2. | `ok of 'state
  3. | `error of 'state * 'error
module type Intf = sig ... end
type t
val make : (module Intf with type args = 'a and type state = 'b) -> 'a -> t
val init : t -> Atacama.Connection.t -> [> `continue of Atacama.Connection.t * t | `error of Atacama.Connection.t * [> `Unknown_opcode of int ] ]
val handle_frame : t -> Frame.t -> Atacama.Connection.t -> [> `continue of Atacama.Connection.t * t | `error of Atacama.Connection.t * [> `Unknown_opcode of int ] | `push of Frame.t list * t ]
val handle_message : t -> Riot.Message.t -> 'a -> [> `continue of 'a * t | `error of 'a * [> `Unknown_opcode of int ] | `push of Frame.t list * t ]
module Default : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.