package tyxml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Typesafe constructors for HTML5 documents (Functorial interface)

module Make (Xml : Xml_sigs.T with type ('a, 'b) W.ft = 'a -> 'b) (Svg : Svg_sigs.T with module Xml := Xml) : Html5_sigs.Make(Xml)(Svg).T with type +'a elt = Xml.elt and type +'a attrib = Xml.attrib
module Wrapped_functions : Html5_sigs.Wrapped_functions with type (-'a, 'b) ft = 'a -> 'b
module Make_with_wrapped_functions (Xml : Xml_sigs.T) (C : Html5_sigs.Wrapped_functions with type ('a, 'b) ft = ('a, 'b) Xml.W.ft) (Svg : Svg_sigs.T with module Xml := Xml) : Html5_sigs.Make(Xml)(Svg).T with type +'a elt = Xml.elt and type +'a attrib = Xml.attrib