package irmin-unix

  1. Overview
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  1. File-system Store
Module type
Class type

File system backends, using bin_prot.

File-system Store

module Append_only : Irmin.Append_only.Maker

Append-only store maker.

module Atomic_write : Irmin.Atomic_write.Maker

Atomic-write store maker.

Irmin store maker.

include Irmin.Maker
type endpoint
type (!'h, _) contents_key = 'h
type !'h node_key = 'h
type !'h commit_key = 'h
module Make (Schema : sig ... end) : sig ... end
module KV : Irmin.KV_maker

Irmin store make, where only the Contents have to be specified: branches are strings and paths are string lists.

module Append_only_ext (C : Irmin_fs.Config) : Irmin.Append_only.Maker

Append-only store maker, with control over the filenames shapes.

module Atomic_write_ext (C : Irmin_fs.Config) : Irmin.Atomic_write.Maker

Read-write store maker, with control over the filename shapes.

module Maker_ext (Obj : Irmin_fs.Config) (Ref : Irmin_fs.Config) : Irmin.Maker

Irmin store maker, with control over the filename shapes.


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