package ez_cmdliner

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type block = [
  1. | `S of string
  2. | `P of string
  3. | `Pre of string
  4. | `I of string * string
  5. | `Noblank
  6. | `Blocks of block list
type env = {
  1. env_docs : string option;
  2. env_doc : string option;
  3. env_var : string;
type info = {
  1. arg_docs : string option;
  2. arg_docv : string option;
  3. arg_env : env option;
  4. arg_version : string option;
  5. arg_doc : string;
module Arg : sig ... end
type arg_list = (string list * Arg.spec * info) list
type sub = {
  1. sub_name : string;
  2. sub_action : unit -> unit;
  3. sub_args : arg_list;
  4. sub_man : block list;
  5. sub_version : string option;
  6. sub_doc : string;
type command = {
  1. cmd_name : string;
  2. cmd_action : unit -> unit;
  3. cmd_args : arg_list;
  4. cmd_man : Cmdliner.Manpage.block list;
  5. cmd_doc : string;

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