package linksem

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
val id0 : 'a -> 'a0
val compare_byte : char -> char -> int
val instance_Basic_classes_Ord_Missing_pervasives_byte_dict : char Lem_basic_classes.ord_class
val hex_char_of_nibble : Nat_big_num.num -> char
val hex_string_of_byte : char -> string
val instance_Show_Show_Missing_pervasives_byte_dict : char Show.show_class
val natural_of_decimal_digit : char -> Nat_big_num.num option
val natural_of_decimal_string_helper : Nat_big_num.num -> char list -> Nat_big_num.num
val natural_of_decimal_string : string -> Nat_big_num.num
val hex_string_of_natural : Nat_big_num.num -> string
val natural_of_bool : bool -> Nat_big_num.num
val merge_by : ('a -> 'a0 -> int) -> 'a1 list -> 'a1 list -> 'a2 list
val mapMaybei' : (Nat_big_num.num -> 'a -> 'b option) -> Nat_big_num.num -> 'c list -> 'b0 list

mapMaybei f xs maps a function expecting an index (the position in the list * xs that it is currently viewing) and producing a maybe type across a list. * Elements that produce Nothing under f are discarded in the output, whilst * those producing Just e for some e are kept.

val mapMaybei : (Nat_big_num.num -> 'a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b0 list
val partitionii' : Nat_big_num.num -> Nat_big_num.num list -> 'a list -> (Nat_big_num.num * 'a0) list -> (Nat_big_num.num * 'a1) list -> (Nat_big_num.num * 'a0) list * (Nat_big_num.num * 'a0) list

partitionii is xs returns a pair of lists: firstly those elements in xs that are at indices in is, and secondly the remaining elements. It preserves the order of elements in xs.

val filteri : Nat_big_num.num list -> 'a list -> 'a0 list
val filterii : Nat_big_num.num list -> 'a list -> (Nat_big_num.num * 'a0) list
val partitioni : Nat_big_num.num list -> 'a list -> 'a0 list * 'a0 list
val partitionii : Nat_big_num.num list -> 'a list -> (Nat_big_num.num * 'a0) list * (Nat_big_num.num * 'a0) list
val unzip3 : ('a * 'b * 'c) list -> 'a0 list * 'b0 list * 'c0 list

unzip3 ls takes a list of triples and returns a triple of lists.

val zip3 : 'a list -> 'b list -> 'c list -> ('a0 * 'b0 * 'c0) list

zip3 ls takes a triple of lists and returns a list of triples.

null_byte is the null character a a byte.

val null_char : char

null_char is the null character.

println s prints s to stdout, adding a trailing newline.

prints s prints s to stdout, without adding a trailing newline.

errln s prints s to stderr, adding a trailing newline.

errs s prints s to stderr, without adding a trailing newline.

outln s prints s to stdout, adding a trailing newline.

outs s prints s to stdout, without adding a trailing newline.

val intercalate' : 'a -> 'a0 list -> 'a1 list -> 'a2 list

intercalate sep xs places sep between all elements of xs. * Made tail recursive and unrolled slightly to improve performance on large * lists.

val intercalate : 'a -> 'a0 list -> 'a1 list
val unlines : string list -> string

unlines xs concatenates a list of strings xs, placing each entry * on a new line.

val bracket : string list -> string

bracket xs concatenates a list of strings xs, separating each entry with a * space, and bracketing the resulting string.

val string_of_list : 'a Show.show_class -> 'b list -> string

string_of_list l produces a string representation of list l.

val instance_Show_Show_list_dict : 'a Show.show_class -> 'a0 list Show.show_class

split_string_on_char s c splits a string s into a list of substrings * on character c, otherwise returning the singleton list containing s * if c is not found in s. * * NOTE: quirkily, this doesn't discard separators (e.g. because NUL characters * are significant when indexing into string tables). FIXME: given this, is this * function really reusable? I suspect not.

val string_contains : string -> string -> bool

string_of_nat m produces a string representation of natural number m.

string_suffix i s returns all but the first i characters of s. * Fails if the index is negative, or beyond the end of the string.

val length : 'a list -> Nat_big_num.num
val takeRevAcc : Nat_big_num.num -> 'a list -> 'a0 list -> 'a1 list
val take0 : Nat_big_num.num -> 'a list -> 'a0 list

take cnt xs takes the first cnt elements of list xs. Returns a truncation * if cnt is greater than the length of xs.

val drop0 : Nat_big_num.num -> 'a list -> 'a0 list

drop cnt xs returns all but the first cnt elements of list xs. Returns an empty list * if cnt is greater than the length of xs.

string_prefix i s returns the first i characters of s. * Fails if the index is negative, or beyond the end of the string.

val string_index_of' : 'a -> 'b list -> Nat_big_num.num -> Nat_big_num.num option

string_index_of c s returns Just(i) where i is the index of the first * occurrence if c in s, if it exists, otherwise returns Nothing.

val find_index_helper : Nat_big_num.num -> ('a -> bool) -> 'b list -> Nat_big_num.num option
val find_index0 : ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> Nat_big_num.num option
val replicate_revacc : 'a list -> Nat_big_num.num -> 'a0 -> 'a1 list
val replicate0 : Nat_big_num.num -> 'a -> 'a0 list
val list_append : 'a list -> 'a0 list -> 'a1 list
val list_concat : 'a list list -> 'a0 list
val list_concat_map : ('a -> 'b list) -> 'a list -> 'b0 list
val list_reverse_concat_map_helper : ('a -> 'b list) -> 'b0 list -> 'c list -> 'b1 list
val list_reverse_concat_map : ('a -> 'b list) -> 'a list -> 'b0 list
val list_take_with_accum : Nat_num.nat -> 'a list -> 'a0 list -> 'a1 list
val unsafe_string_take : Nat_big_num.num -> string -> string
val padding_and_maybe_newline : char -> Nat_big_num.num -> string -> string

padding_and_maybe_newline c w s creates enough of char c to pad string s to w characters, * unless s is of length w - 1 or greater, in which case it generates w copies preceded by a newline. * This style of formatting is used by the GNU linker in its link map output, so we * reproduce it using this function. Note that string s does not appear in the * output.

val space_padding_and_maybe_newline : Nat_big_num.num -> string -> string

space_padding_and_maybe_newline w s creates enoughspaces to pad string s to w characters, * unless s is of length w - 1 or greater, in which case it generates w copies preceded by a newline. * This style of formatting is used by the GNU linker in its link map output, so we * reproduce it using this function. Note that string s does not appear in the * output.

val padded_and_maybe_newline : char -> Nat_big_num.num -> string -> string

padded_and_maybe_newline w s pads string s to w characters, using char c * unless s is of length w - 1 or greater, in which case the padding consists of * w copies of c preceded by a newline. * This style of formatting is used by the GNU linker in its link map output, so we * reproduce it using this function.

val padding_to : char -> Nat_big_num.num -> string -> string

padding_to c w s creates enough copies of c to pad string s to w characters, * or 0 characters if s is of length w or greater. Note that string s does not appear in the * output.

val left_padded_to : char -> Nat_big_num.num -> string -> string

left_padded_to c w s left-pads string s to w characters using c, * returning it unchanged if s is of length w or greater.

val right_padded_to : char -> Nat_big_num.num -> string -> string

right_padded_to c w s right-pads string s to w characters using c, * returning it unchanged if s is of length w or greater.

val space_padded_and_maybe_newline : Nat_big_num.num -> string -> string

space_padded_and_maybe_newline w s pads string s to w characters, using spaces, * unless s is of length w - 1 or greater, in which case the padding consists of * w spaces preceded by a newline. * This style of formatting is used by the GNU linker in its link map output, so we * reproduce it using this function.

val left_space_padded_to : Nat_big_num.num -> string -> string

left_space_padded_to w s left-pads string s to w characters using spaces, * returning it unchanged if s is of length w or greater.

val right_space_padded_to : Nat_big_num.num -> string -> string

right_space_padded_to w s right-pads string s to w characters using spaces, * returning it unchanged if s is of length w or greater.

val left_zero_padded_to : Nat_big_num.num -> string -> string

left_zero_padded_to w s left-pads string s to w characters using zeroes, * returning it unchanged if s is of length w or greater.

hex parsing

val natural_of_char : char -> Nat_big_num.num
val natural_of_hex' : char list -> Nat_big_num.num
val natural_of_hex : string -> Nat_big_num.num
val assert_unwrap_maybe : 'a option -> 'a0

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