package biotk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
type score
type 'a match_filter = int -> float -> int -> int -> 'a option

filter arguments:

  • position
  • GC content around this position
  • optimal score of a match finishing at this position
  • start position of the optimal match finishing at this position
type statistics = {
  1. nb_gc_levels : int;
  2. values : score array array;
val statistics : generator:(int -> float -> string) -> int -> t -> statistics

statistics nbl parser computes statistics for nbl number of GC levels

val cdf_of_statistics : statistics -> float -> float -> float
val average_cdf_of_statistics : statistics -> float -> float
val bound_of_fpr : statistics -> float -> float
val bound_for_gc_and_fpr : statistics -> gc:float -> fpr:float -> float

returns (start, end), raw score, gc content, normalized score

returns location, raw score, gc content, normalized score