package caldav

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val (>>==) : ('a, 'b) result Lwt.t -> ('a -> ('c, 'b) result Lwt.t) -> ('c, 'b) result Lwt.t
type t
type error
type write_error
val basename : Webdav_fs.file_or_dir -> string
val create_file : Webdav_fs.dir -> string -> Webdav_fs.file
val dir_from_string : string -> Webdav_fs.dir
val file_from_string : string -> Webdav_fs.file
val from_string : t -> string -> (Webdav_fs.file_or_dir, error) result Lwt.t
val to_string : Webdav_fs.file_or_dir -> string
val get_property_map : t -> Webdav_fs.file_or_dir -> Properties.t Lwt.t
val write_property_map : t -> Webdav_fs.file_or_dir -> Properties.t -> (unit, write_error) result Lwt.t
val size : t -> Webdav_fs.file -> (int64, error) result Lwt.t
val read : t -> Webdav_fs.file -> (string * Properties.t, error) result Lwt.t
val exists : t -> string -> bool Lwt.t
val dir_exists : t -> Webdav_fs.dir -> bool Lwt.t
val mkdir : t -> Webdav_fs.dir -> Properties.t -> (unit, write_error) result Lwt.t
val write : t -> Webdav_fs.file -> string -> Properties.t -> (unit, write_error) result Lwt.t

be careful to call only in a batch, since it writes two files

val destroy : t -> Webdav_fs.file_or_dir -> (unit, write_error) result Lwt.t

be careful to call only in a batch, since it removes two files

val pp_error : error Fmt.t
val pp_write_error : write_error Fmt.t
val valid : t -> Webdav_config.config -> (unit, [> `Msg of string ]) result Lwt.t
val last_modified : t -> Webdav_fs.file_or_dir -> (Ptime.t, error) result Lwt.t
val etag : t -> Webdav_fs.file_or_dir -> (string, error) result Lwt.t
val batch : t -> (t -> 'a Lwt.t) -> ('a, [> `Msg of string ]) result Lwt.t

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