package caldav

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type 'a io = 'a Lwt.t
type !'a result = 'a Webmachine.Make(Lwt)(WmClock).result =
  1. | Ok of 'a
  2. | Error of int
type ('a, !'b) op = 'b Webmachine.Rd.t -> ('a result * 'b Webmachine.Rd.t) io constraint 'b = [> `Empty ]
type !'a provider = ('a, 'a) op constraint 'a = [> `Empty ]
type !'a acceptor = (bool, 'a) op constraint 'a = [> `Empty ]
type www_authenticate = Webmachine.Make(Lwt)(WmClock).www_authenticate = {
  1. scheme : string;
  2. realm : string;
  3. params : (string * string) list;
type auth = [
  1. | `Authorized
  2. | `Basic of string
  3. | `Challenge of www_authenticate
  4. | `Redirect of Uri.t
type property_response = [
  1. | `Infinite_not_allowed
  2. | `Multistatus
  3. | `Ok
  4. | `Property_forbidden
  5. | `Property_not_found
  6. | `Property_unauthorized
type report_response = [
  1. | `Multistatus
  2. | `Property_not_found
type collection_created_response = [
  1. | `Conflict
  2. | `Created
  3. | `Forbidden
  4. | `Insufficient_storage
  5. | `Method_not_allowed
  6. | `Unsupported_media_type
val continue : 'a -> ('a, [> `Empty ]) op
val respond : ?body:[> `Empty ] as 'b -> int -> ('a, 'b) op
class virtual !'a resource : object ... end
val to_handler : ?dispatch_path:string -> ?path_info:(string * string) list -> resource:[> `Empty ] as 'a resource -> body:'a -> request:Cohttp.Request.t -> unit -> (Cohttp.Code.status_code * Cohttp.Header.t * 'a * string list) io
val dispatch : ((Dispatch.tag * string) list * Dispatch.typ * (unit -> [> `Empty ] as 'a resource)) list -> body:'a -> request:Cohttp.Request.t -> (Cohttp.Code.status_code * Cohttp.Header.t * 'a * string list) option io
val dispatch' : (string * (unit -> [> `Empty ] as 'a resource)) list -> body:'a -> request:Cohttp.Request.t -> (Cohttp.Code.status_code * Cohttp.Header.t * 'a * string list) option io

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