package inquire

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


A cursor is a pointer in an edition buffer. When some text is inserted or removed, all cursors after the modification are automatically moved accordingly.

type t

Type of a cursor.

type changes = {
  1. position : int;
  2. added : int;
  3. removed : int;
  4. added_width : int;
  5. removed_width : int;
exception Out_of_bounds

Exception raised when trying to move a cursor outside the bounds of the text it points to.

val create : int -> changes React.event -> (unit -> Zed_lines.t) -> int -> int -> t

create length changes get_lines position wanted_column creates a new cursor pointing to position position.

length is the current length of the text the cursor points to. It raises Out_of_bounds if position is greater than length.

changes is an event which occurs with values of the form (start, added, removed) when the text changes, with the same semantic as Zed_edit.changes.

get_lines is used to retreive the current set of line positions of the text. It is used to compute the line and column of the cursor.

wanted_column is the column on which the cursor want to be, if there is enough room on the line.

val copy : t -> t

copy cursor creates a copy of the given cursor. The new cursor initially points to the same location as cursor.

val position : t -> int React.signal

position cursor returns the signal holding the current position of the given cursor.

val get_position : t -> int

get_position cursor returns the current position of cursor.

val line : t -> int React.signal

line cursor returns the signal holding the current line on which the cursor is.

val get_line : t -> int

get_line cursor returns the current line of the cursor.

val column : t -> int React.signal

column cursor returns the signal holding the current column of the cursor.

val column_display : t -> int React.signal

column_display cursor returns the signal holding the current display column of the cursor.

val get_column : t -> int

get_column cursor returns the current column of the cursor.

val get_column_display : t -> int

get_column_display cursor returns the current display column of the cursor.

val coordinates : t -> (int * int) React.signal

coordinates cursor returns the signal holding the current line & column of the cursor.

val coordinates_display : t -> (int * int) React.signal

coordinates cursor returns the signal holding the current line & display column of the cursor.

val get_coordinates : t -> int * int

get_coordinates cursor returns the current line & column of the cursor.

val get_coordinates_display : t -> int * int

get_coordinates_display cursor returns the current line & display column of the cursor.

val wanted_column : t -> int React.signal

wanted_column cursor returns the signal holding the column on which the cursor wants to be.

val get_wanted_column : t -> int

get_wanted_column cursor returns the column on which the cursor wants to be.

val set_wanted_column : t -> int -> unit

set_wanted_column cursor sets the column on which the cursor want to be.

val goto : t -> ?set_wanted_column:bool -> int -> unit

goto cursor position moves the given cursor to the given position. It raises Out_of_bounds if position is outside the bounds of the text. If set_wanted_column is true (the default), then the wanted column will be set to the column of the cursor at given position.

val move : t -> ?set_wanted_column:bool -> int -> unit

move cursor delta moves the given cursor by the given number of characters. It raises Out_of_bounds if the result is outside the bounds of the text.


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