package ocaml-webworker

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type raw_info = [
  1. | `Constructor of Types.constructor_description
  2. | `Modtype of Types.module_type
  3. | `Modtype_declaration of Ident.t * Types.modtype_declaration
  4. | `None
  5. | `String of string
  6. | `Type_declaration of Ident.t * Types.type_declaration
  7. | `Type_scheme of Types.type_expr
  8. | `Variant of string * Types.type_expr option
val raw_info_printer : raw_info -> [> `Concat of string * Extend_protocol.Reader.outcometree | `Print of Extend_protocol.Reader.outcometree | `String of string ]
val lookup_env : ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c option
val parenthesize_name : string -> string
val methods_of_type : Env.t -> ?acc:(string * Types.type_expr) list -> Types.type_expr -> (string * Types.type_expr) list
val classify_node : Browse_raw.node -> [> `Expression | `Module | `Module_type | `Pattern | `Signature | `Structure | `Type ]
val map_entry : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a Query_protocol.Compl.raw_entry -> 'b Query_protocol.Compl.raw_entry
val make_candidate : ?get_doc: ([> `Completion_entry of [> `Type | `Vals ] * Path.t * 'a ] -> [> `Found of string ]) -> attrs:(string Location.loc * Parsetree.payload) list -> exact:bool -> ?prefix_path:'b -> string -> ?loc:'a -> ?path:Path.t -> [< `Cons of 'c | `Label of Types.label_description | `Mod of Types.module_type | `ModType of 'd | `Typ of 'e | `Value of Types.value_description | `Variant of 'f * 'g ] -> [> `Constructor of 'c | `Modtype of Types.module_type | `Modtype_declaration of Ident.t * 'd | `None | `String of string | `Type_declaration of Ident.t * 'e | `Type_scheme of Types.type_expr | `Variant of 'f * 'g ] Query_protocol.Compl.raw_entry
val item_for_global_module : string -> [> `None ] Query_protocol.Compl.raw_entry
val fold_types : (string -> Path.t -> Types.type_declaration -> 'a -> 'a) -> Longident.t option -> Env.t -> 'a -> 'a
val fold_constructors : (string -> Types.constructor_description -> 'a -> 'a) -> Longident.t option -> Env.t -> 'a -> 'a
val fold_variant_constructors : env:Env.t -> init:'a -> f:(string -> Types.type_expr option -> 'a -> 'a) -> Types.type_expr -> 'a
val get_candidates : ?get_doc: ([> `Completion_entry of [> `Type | `Vals ] * Path.t * Location.t ] -> [> `Found of string ]) -> ?target_type:Types.type_expr -> ?prefix_path:Longident.t -> prefix:string -> [< `Constructor | `Group of 'a list | `Labels | `Modules | `Modules_type | `Types | `Values | `Variants ] as 'a -> validate: ([> `Lident | `Uident | `Variant ] -> [> `Cons | `Label | `Mod | `Typ | `Value | `Variant ] -> string -> bool) -> Env.t -> [> `Constructor of Types.constructor_description | `Modtype of Types.module_type | `Modtype_declaration of Ident.t * Types.modtype_declaration | `None | `String of string | `Type_declaration of Ident.t * Types.type_declaration | `Type_scheme of Types.type_expr | `Variant of string * Types.type_expr option ] Query_protocol.Compl.raw_entry list
val gen_values : [> `Group of [> `Constructor | `Values ] list ]
val default_kinds : [> `Group of [> `Constructor | `Values ] list | `Modules | `Modules_type | `Types | `Variants ] list
val completion_order : [< `Expression | `Module | `Module_type | `Pattern | `Signature | `Structure | `Type ] -> [> `Constructor | `Group of [> `Constructor | `Values ] list | `Labels | `Modules | `Modules_type | `Types | `Values | `Variants ] list
val complete_methods : env:Env.t -> prefix:string -> Typedtree.expression -> [> `None | `Type_scheme of Types.type_expr ] Query_protocol.Compl.raw_entry list
val complete_prefix : ?get_doc: ([> `Completion_entry of [> `Type | `Vals ] * Path.t * Location.t ] -> [> `Found of string ]) -> ?target_type:Types.type_expr -> env:Env.t -> prefix:Longident.t -> is_label:bool -> Browse_raw.node -> [> `Constructor of Types.constructor_description | `Modtype of Types.module_type | `Modtype_declaration of Ident.t * Types.modtype_declaration | `None | `String of string | `Type_declaration of Ident.t * Types.type_declaration | `Type_scheme of Types.type_expr | `Variant of string * Types.type_expr option ] Query_protocol.Compl.raw_entry list
val keep_suffix : Longident.t -> Longident.t * bool
val node_complete : ?get_doc: ([> `Completion_entry of [> `Type | `Vals ] * Path.t * Location.t ] -> [> `Found of string ]) -> ?target_type:Types.type_expr -> Env.t -> Browse_raw.node -> string -> [> `Constructor of Types.constructor_description | `Modtype of Types.module_type | `Modtype_declaration of Ident.t * Types.modtype_declaration | `None | `String of string | `Type_declaration of Ident.t * Types.type_declaration | `Type_scheme of Types.type_expr | `Variant of string * Types.type_expr option ] Query_protocol.Compl.raw_entry list
val expand_prefix : global_modules:string list -> Env.t -> string -> [> `Constructor of Types.constructor_description | `Modtype of Types.module_type | `Modtype_declaration of Ident.t * Types.modtype_declaration | `None | `String of string | `Type_declaration of Ident.t * Types.type_declaration | `Type_scheme of Types.type_expr | `Variant of string * Types.type_expr option ] Query_protocol.Compl.raw_entry list
val application_context : verbosity:int -> prefix:Asttypes.label -> ('a * Browse_raw.node) list -> Types.type_expr option * [> `Application of Query_protocol.Compl.application_context | `Unknown ]

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