package ocaml-webworker

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Trie : sig ... end
val path_to_string : Cmt_cache.path -> string
val extract_doc : Parsetree.attributes -> string
type result =
  1. | Found of Location.t * string option
  2. | Alias_of of Location.t * Cmt_cache.path
  3. | Resolves_to of Cmt_cache.path * Location.t option
val remove_top_indir : Browse_tree.t list -> Browse_tree.t list
val of_structure : Typedtree.structure -> Browse_tree.t
val of_signature : Typedtree.signature -> Browse_tree.t
val remove_indir_me : Typedtree.module_expr -> [> `Alias of Path.t | `Apply of Typedtree.module_expr * Typedtree.module_expr | `Functor of string Asttypes.loc * Location.t * [> `Mod_expr of Typedtree.module_expr ] | `Mod_expr of Typedtree.module_expr | `Str of Typedtree.structure | `Unpack ]
val remove_indir_mty : Typedtree.module_type -> [> `Alias of Path.t | `Functor of string Asttypes.loc * Location.t * [> `Mod_type of Typedtree.module_type ] | `Mod_expr of Typedtree.module_expr | `Mod_type of Typedtree.module_type | `Sg of Typedtree.signature ]
val sig_item_idns : Types.signature_item -> Ident.t * [> `Mod | `Modtype | `Type | `Vals ]
val include_idents : Types.signature_item list -> (Ident.t * [> `Mod | `Modtype | `Type | `Vals ]) list
val identify_str_includes : Typedtree.structure_item -> [> `Included of (Ident.t * [> `Mod | `Modtype | `Type | `Vals ]) list * [> `Mod_expr of Typedtree.module_expr ] | `Not_included ]
val identify_sig_includes : Typedtree.signature_item -> [> `Included of (Ident.t * [> `Mod | `Modtype | `Type | `Vals ]) list * [> `Mod_type of Typedtree.module_type ] | `Not_included ]
val pattern_idlocs : Typedtree.pattern -> (string * Location.t) list
val tag_path : namespace:[> `Mod ] as 'a -> 'b list -> ('b * 'a) list
val build : ?local_buffer:bool -> trie: (Location.t * string option * Cmt_cache.namespace * Cmt_cache.node) list Trie.t -> Browse_tree.t list -> Cmt_cache.trie
val of_browses : ?local_buffer:bool -> Browse_tree.t list -> Cmt_cache.trie
val follow : ?before:Std.Lexing.position -> (Location.t * string option * Cmt_cache.namespace * Cmt_cache.node) list Trie.t -> Cmt_cache.path -> result
val dump_namespace : Std.Format.formatter -> [< `Constr | `Functor | `Labels | `Mod | `Modtype | `Type | `Unknown | `Vals ] -> unit
val find : ?before:Std.Lexing.position -> (Location.t * string option * Cmt_cache.namespace * Cmt_cache.node) list Trie.t -> Cmt_cache.path -> result
val dump : Std.Format.formatter -> Cmt_cache.trie -> unit

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