package odisco

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type data_size = int
type job_input = Pipeline.label * data_size * Uri.t list
val job_input_of_string : string -> job_input
val job_input_of_json : Json.t -> job_input
val json_of_job_input : job_input -> Json.t
type job_input_error =
  1. | Invalid_job_input_json of Json.t
  2. | Invalid_job_input_string of string
  3. | Invalid_job_input_label of string
  4. | Invalid_job_input_size of string
  5. | Invalid_job_input_url of string
  6. | Invalid_job_input of string
exception Job_input_error of job_input_error
val string_of_job_input_error : job_input_error -> string
type error =
  1. | Invalid_magic of int
  2. | Unsupported_version of int
  3. | Invalid_header of string
  4. | Invalid_jobdict_ofs of int
  5. | Invalid_jobenvs_ofs of int
  6. | Invalid_jobhome_ofs of int
  7. | Invalid_jobdata_ofs of int
  8. | Invalid_jobdict of string
  9. | Invalid_jobenvs of string
  10. | Invalid_pipeline of string
  11. | Missing_jobdict_key of string
exception Jobpack_error of error
type header
type jobdict = {
  1. name : string;
  2. owner : string;
  3. worker : string;
  4. pipeline : Pipeline.pipeline;
  5. inputs : job_input list;
  6. save_results : bool;
type jobpack = private string
type jobenvs = (string * string) list
val header_of : string -> header
val jobdict_of : header -> string -> jobdict
val jobenvs_of : header -> string -> jobenvs
val jobdata_of : header -> string -> string
val make_jobpack : ?envs:jobenvs -> ?jobdata:string -> ?save:bool -> name:string -> owner:string -> worker:string -> pipeline:Pipeline.pipeline -> job_input list -> jobpack
val string_of_error : error -> string