package odisco

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type stage = string
type label = int
type grouping =
  1. | Split
  2. | Group_label
  3. | Group_node
  4. | Group_node_label
  5. | Group_all
val grouping_of_string : string -> grouping
val string_of_grouping : grouping -> string
type pipeline = (stage * grouping) list
val pipeline_of_string : string -> pipeline
val pipeline_of_json : Json.t -> pipeline
val json_of_pipeline : pipeline -> Json.t
type pipeline_error =
  1. | Invalid_grouping of string
  2. | Invalid_pipeline_json of Json.t
  3. | Invalid_pipeline_stage of string
  4. | Invalid_pipeline of string
exception Pipeline_error of pipeline_error
val string_of_pipeline_error : pipeline_error -> string
type task_input =
  1. | Data of label * Uri.t
  2. | Dir_indexed of label * Uri.t
  3. | Dir of Uri.t
val uri_of : task_input -> Uri.t