package kubecaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Horizontal_pod_autoscaler_status describes the current status of a horizontal pod autoscaler.

type t
val to_yojson : t -> Yojson.Safe.t
val make : ?observed_generation:int -> ?last_scale_time:Kubernetes.Definitions.Apimachinery.Pkg.Apis.Meta.V1.Time.t -> desired_replicas:int -> current_replicas:int -> current_metrics: Kubernetes.Definitions.Api.Autoscaling.V2beta1.Metric_status.t list -> conditions: Kubernetes.Definitions.Api.Autoscaling.V2beta1.Horizontal_pod_autoscaler_condition.t list -> unit -> t

conditions is the set of conditions required for this autoscaler to scale its target, and indicates whether or not those conditions are met.

current_metrics is the last read state of the metrics used by this autoscaler.

val current_replicas : t -> int

current_replicas is current number of replicas of pods managed by this autoscaler, as last seen by the autoscaler.

val desired_replicas : t -> int

desired_replicas is the desired number of replicas of pods managed by this autoscaler, as last calculated by the autoscaler.

last_scale_time is the last time the Horizontal_pod_autoscaler scaled the number of pods, used by the autoscaler to control how often the number of pods is changed.

val observed_generation : t -> int option

observed_generation is the most recent generation observed by this autoscaler.

module Object : Object.S with type value := t

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