Like const, but takes a format string and corresponding arguments. constf "..." a b c ... is equivalent to const (Format.asprintf "..." a b c ...), except that colours added with Fmt.styled are not discarded.
of_printer p is a segment that renders the latest reported value using printer p. See sum for a variant that reports accumulated values instead.
Counting segments
These segments all consume integer values and display the accumulated total of reported values in some way. The top-level Line segments are specialised to int values; see "Alternative integer types" for variants supporting int32, int64 etc.
count_to target renders both the current running total of reported values and the fixed value target, separated by the the given separator, i.e. 42/100. sep defaults to const "/".
percentage_of target renders the running total as a percentage of target, i.e. 42%. Values outside the range [0, 100] will be clamped to either 0 or 100.
sum ~width () displays a running total of reported values using width-many terminal columns. If passed, pp overrides the printer used for rendering the count.
val bar :
?style:[ `ASCII | `UTF8| `Custom of Bar_style.t ]->?color:Color.t->?width:[ `Fixed of int| `Expand ]->?data:[ `Sum | `Latest ]->integer->integert
bar total is a progress bar of the form: [#################...............]
The proportion of the bar that is filled is given by <reported_so_far> / total. Optional parameters are as follows:
?style specifies whether to use a UTF-8 or an ASCII encoding for the progress bar. The UTF-8 encoding shows a higher resolution of progress, but may not be supported in all terminals. The default is `ASCII.
?color causes the filled portion of the bar to be rendered with the given colour. (Equivalent to setting the colour with Bar_style.with_color.)
?width is the width of the bar in columns. Defaults to `Expand, which causes the bar to occupy the remaining rendering space after accounting for other line segments on the same line.
?data changes the metric that is indicated by the progress bar. `Sum (the default) causes the progress bar to correspond to the running total of values reported so far. `Latest causes each reported value to overwrite the previous one instead.
val spinner :
?frames:string list->?color:Color.t->?min_interval:Duration.t option->unit ->_t
spinner () is a small segment that cycles over a fixed number of frames each time a value is reported. e.g.
⠋ → ⠙ → ⠹ → ⠸ → ⠼ → ⠴ → ⠦ → ⠧ → ⠇ → ⠏ → ...
Optional prameters are as follows:
?frames alters the sequence of frames rendered by the spinner;
?color causes each frame to be rendered with the given colour;
?min_interval is the minimum time interval between frame transitions of the spinner (i.e. a debounce threshold). The default is Some 80ms.
rate pp is an integer segment that uses pp to print the rate of reported values per second. (For instance, bytes_per_sec is rate Units.Bytes.of_float.)
A zero-width line segment that does nothing. This segment will not be surrounded with separators when used in a list, making it a useful "off" state for conditionally-enabled segments.